Here lieth the mortal remains of the Revd John Holohan he laboured zealously for more than 20 years in the sacred ministry. His simple unassuming manners attached him to all who knew him the poor the Humble were the special objects of his attachment, his death was a deep affliction to his numerous friends a cause of much regret to the flock in whose service he terminated his life. He died on 8th January 1807 in the 80th year of his age. Requiescant in Pace.
Decoration above the inscription incised cross within a cirle. Gloria inexcelsis Deo in swag. This ledger slab was recorded by Major J Grove White in approximately 1892 his description stated this to be an altar tomb. Several fluted upright suports lying close by at the present confirm that they may have been the original supports for it to have been an altar tomb.
Reverend Johns memorial as is customory, is facing his flock, facing towards the west, whereas all the other memorials in the cemetery face east.