Beneath this stone lieth the Remains of
Henry Jesse Lloyd Esq. of Mount Frisco
who was born the 7th of April A.D. 1736 and
departed this life at Bath the ?? April 1816 A.D.
May he rest in peace
Also Helen Lloyd his wife
who was born Sept. 1st 17?? and departed this
life 20th ? December 1830. And the Remains of their
Grandchildren Henry Jesse Lloyd, Lloydsboro
Born March 1816 and departed this life Oct. 1831
And Emma Lloyd who was born 12th May 1811
And depd this life 13th July 1835
And Richard Jesse Lloyd who servd in
Her Majesty's Regt. who was born
July 1 1718 and departed this life at
age of ?? 1819
And Helen wife of
John Steadford ?? of ??
Asthall near Ross Herefordshire
who was born July 19th 18??
and departed this life in Dublin
Nov. 10th 18??
The four last named were ??
the eldest son, eldest daughter,
third son and second daughter of
John and Debby Lloyd of Lloydsboro
Difficult to read due to weathering of stone